What do you think about teens working part-time? What are the advantages and disadvantages of teenage work?

5 comentários:

  1. I will not only acquire responsibility as to irai becomes part of the scheduled work.
    Disadvantages: portability of scarce study time
    Advantages: the responsibility to acquire, receive the money; (...)

  2. In my opinion I think it is good because is getting more responsability and geting money to buy things he needs.
    ADVANTAGES: Getting more responsability, earning money and lerning other things;
    DISADVANTAGES: Don't have time to study for school;

  3. In my opinion I think is good because young people have greater experience and maturity also.
    ADVANTAGES: Earning money, New experience,more responsability, real-word education, financially responsability and better to learn how to cope with busy schedules;
    DISADVANTAGES: Adds too much stress and don't have time for homework

  4. I think it's good and bad at the same time, that is, has advantages and disadvantages.
    I talk about my advantages and disadvantages:

    -earn our own money
    Less time to:
    school: homework, studying for tests;
    -live: friends, family
    -fun: internet, playstation, computer, go to the cafe watching football

  5. Hello, my name is Ana Cristina, I'm 16 years old and live in Carregal do Sal, a small village in Viseu. I have brown eyes, brown hair and as usual I'm brunette.
    I'm low and lean.
    I am a human being and as a human person does not like to talk down on my back, I like to be honest with everyone, but only those who deserve. I like to live, live life because this is only in once. I like to be surrounded by people and therefore do not feel good when I'm alone or even sleep. You see I am a simple person and do not want to get conflicts.
    I like sports, walking, running, volleibol ... my hobbies are to practice what I like best and be with those you love, and my family, always putting it in first. I really like the kind of music of the time my parents were hard times but always very excited about the best music. My favorite band is Queen, I love the voice, I love the beat, everything. The music of Queen is like a drugstore for me, makes me relax in hard times.
